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  • i2k

    senior tag

    válasz i2k #141171 üzenetére

    Starfield "csodás" lett...

    "The game is not enjoyable at all.
    -It's not open exploration.
    -You can't actually travel to planets with your spaceship at all, you just click on a map of the planet and get a loading screen.
    -NPC look dead-eyed and bored, they're clearly all made from the same base model.
    -All the characters are such normies with very mediocre writing. At some point a major NPC comes towards you, telling you how he changed his coffee for tea one day and met you, implying it is faith. Who wrote this garbage.
    -The worst aspect of the game is the inventory and weight management, it is such an annoying mess. You have to constantly micromanage it because you and your space ship have weight limits. You have items that increase your carrying capacity, but they are consumable so your carrying capacity increases for a few minutes only. You also have a companion who can carry some weight, but you have to retrade every time you get on the ship, to get your items back. The inventory management is infuriatingly bad."

    A világ játékosai meg minden szarra ráugranak - perverz/katasztrófa kíváncsiságból, elfogultságból, vagy csak a puszta "csillogóan új tehát kell" elv mentén, miközben 80+%-ban mindenkinek 100 - 2000 végigjátszatlan játéka van minden platformon.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák