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    válasz TechN7ne #20955 üzenetére

    Ever wonder why Internet in Windows 8 seems slower as 28.8kbps dial up modem?
    By default, Windows 8 will minimize to 1 active connection per server! MS might have reduced
    it to prevent Windows 8 tablet with 3G/4G data plan to exceed the free quota limit.

    Speed improvement is noticeable on cable modem, not sure for fibre network.

    Here, how to restore your network (Disclaimer: I'll not be responsible if any viruses or bots floodgate on your connections, you should have a good Antivirus running):
    1) run "gpedit.msc" from Run dialog
    2) Navigate to Administrative Template > Network > Windows Connection Manager
    3) Click "Disabled" radio button in the Minimize the number of simultaneous connections to the Internet or a Windows Domain option.
    4) Reboot your windows and tada!
    5) Share with anyone else.

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