
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • BigBlue69


    válasz mtotesz #33134 üzenetére

    Én is kaptam még 1 hónap bant a semmire.. xarjanak sünt.. már bocsánat.

    Hi BigBlue69,

    This is an automated message from Rockstar Games to inform you that your account has been flagged for violating our Online Features Code of Conduct and/or EULA, found here:

    - http://www.rockstargames.com/conduct
    - http://www.rockstargames.com/eula

    Accounts can become flagged as a result of automated analysis or manual review of evidence for violations such as modding, hacking, exploiting or abusing game mechanics, or otherwise interfering with other players’ gameplay experience

    Some actions taken in response to these flags include restrictions to separate pools for matchmaking, muted microphones or restrictions on UGC creation, removal of illegitimate in-game cash/items or RP, and temporary or permanent restrictions on your ability to access GTA Online.

    Please note that this is a no-reply email address.

    Rockstar Games

    Ezt kaptam emailre.. és mondjuk nem 1 hónap.. csak 10 nap.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    (-.-(-.-(-.-(-.-)-.-)-.-)-.-) Chinese Mafia's watching you! Viselkedni Magyarországon rang. Máshol a létezés része. Steam: http://tinyurl.com/8h4dfu2

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