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    válasz r3dsnake #61556 üzenetére

    Nem kell hozzá helymeghatározás a következő backgroud tevékenységek vannak

    Audio audio The app plays audible content to the user or records audio while in the background. (This content includes streaming audio or video content using AirPlay.)

    Location updates location The app keeps users informed of their location, even while it is running in the background.

    Voice over IP voip The app provides the ability for the user to make phone calls using an Internet connection.

    Newsstand downloads newsstand-content The app is a Newsstand app that downloads and processes magazine or newspaper content in the background.

    External accessory communication external-accessory The app works with a hardware accessory that needs to deliver updates on a regular schedule through the External Accessory framework.

    Bluetooth networking bluetooth-central The app works with a Bluetooth accessory that needs to deliver updates on a regular schedule through the Core Bluetooth framework.

    Bluetooth data sharing bluetooth-peripheral The app supports Bluetooth communication in peripheral mode through the Core Bluetooth framework.
    Using this mode requires user authorization; for more information, see “Best Practices for Maintaining User Privacy.”

    Background fetch fetch The app regularly downloads and processes small amounts of content from the network.

    Remote notifications remote-notification The app’s response to a push notification includes optionally downloading content related to the notification. The purpose of downloading the content in the background is to incorporate it and be able to present it immediately when the user responds to the push notification.

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