

Aktív témák

  • zippofcy

    senior tag

    válasz snefftamas #37731 üzenetére


    "The c8000, c7000, and c6500 all share the same panel. The c7000 adds 3d, and the c8000 adds 3d and the real black filter. The real black filter is nice for brightly lit environments. In a dim/dark room with 2D all three should look virtually identical.
    All three should perform better then the c550, which is no slouch."

    "Black level: The Samsung PNC8000 performed well in this category, delivering a shade of black that exceeded the LG X950 and the Samsung UNC8000. Between the two Samsung plasmas the PNC7000 had a very light edge in depth of black over the 8000.

    Shadow detail was superb on the PNC8000, outdoing both of its Samsung brethren, matching the LG LH8500, the Panasonic VT25, and the Pioneer, and beating the other sets.

    Color accuracy: The linear color we measured was in full evidence with the C8000's presentation of Avatar, showing up as the natural-looking skin tones on the faces of Dr. Augistine and Selfridge as they argue in Chapter 4, for example. They lacked the slightly bluer cast of the PNC7000 as well as the more yellowish look of the Panasonics, coming as close to our reference as any TV in our lineup.

    Video processing: The Samsung PNC8000 was one of the few displays in our lineup capable of correctly delivering the film cadence of 1080p/24 content. Unfortunately, to get this feature to work you have to engage the CinemaSmooth option which, as noted above, causes a loss in black level performance."

    Nekem olyan okos a telóm meg a TVm hogy én már nem rajtuk játszok hanem velük. Társasozni szoktunk.

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