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    válasz Mankó #389 üzenetére

    azt hittem, csak a letöltéshez kell reg, ez a szöveg kimásolva, ott van benne, mi az entware:

    You will need to install Python 2.7.11. This guide uses Entware's version which is the best IMO, but it requires some command line SSH commands. Entware is a package manager that allows you to install pre-compiled binaries for various things that are designed for your QNAP architecture (like nano text editor, htop, etc.) Optware (ipkg) used to be the go-to package manager, but it died. So now Entware is its replacement.

    ** Keep the QNAP Python QPKG (2.7.3) Installed for Now. The SickRage QPKG may not install without it. **
    ** Backup your SickRage settings using the built-in Backup tool **

    Step 1. Install Entware for your CPU architecture.
    Step 2. Once Entware QPKG is installed, open Putty/Terminal/SSH Prompt and issue the following commands:

    opkg update
    opkg install python
    opkg install nano
    export PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH

    Once python is installed, it will be placed in "/opt/bin/python". You can check this with

    which python
    python --version

    You should see:
    Python 2.7.11

    Step 3. If successful, you can now proceed to install the new SickRage QPKG via the QNAP App Center interface (link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j1svazqdi9ieq ... 51227.qpkg)
    Step 4. Open up http://localhost:7073 (or whatever the URL to your SickRage instance is) and you will be presented with a prompt for which repo to install. Choose SickRage, NOT SickRageTV...
    Step 5. Restart the QPKG and reload your browser and SickRage should appear. You can then go to Settings > Help & Info and you should see the Python version it is using near the bottom.

    I hate morning people. And mornings. And People.

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