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  • gejala


    Egy komoly szakmai oldalon lettem figyelmes egy friss C580 tesztre, amiben van néhány érdekes megjegyzés:

    "It would seem that Samsung has finally created an LCD panel that can match most of today’s plasmas in both dark and bright environments at a fraction of the cost. If the trend continues at the same pace, we may witness the first LCD TV that can natively render blacks comparable to high-end PDPs as early as next year."
    Ez azt hiszem, sok vita végére pontot tesz.

    "In terms of visible artefacts, grey ghosting was perceptible in certain scenarios (heavily compressed dark scenes in particular), but the effect was subtle at best. In addition, due to the LCD panel’s off-axis gamma shift and TV-grade anti-reflective coating, certain shadow detail appeared to have a lucid effect, which created a very prominent “LCD look” as illustrated below. It is by no means off-putting, but may deter those who have grown accustomed to phosphor-based displays (CRTs and PDPs). Such effect could be masked with the use of reflective coating, which the Samsung LE40C580 does not feature."
    Vagyis miért is jó a tükröződő bevonat.

    " Freeview SD was equally excellent and the on-board noise reduction effectively suppressed micro-blocking and maintained maximum detail. Trident’s processor also triumphed in surpassing ATI’s UVD 2.2 in both jaggies pattern 1 and 2 found on the HQV DVD; and the overall picture quality dare I say (at times) was superior to SD CRT. As I watched “Taking Lives” on ITV via Panasonic Sky SD set-top box, I failed to notice the usual artefacts that often negatively impact viewing experience. The rendered image was clean and free from visible posterization, false colours and detectable colour bleed."
    Annak, aki az SD képminőségért aggódik.

    A panel lottó iránt érdeklődők pedig olvassák el a summary részt, elég hosszú, nem másolom be ide.

    Forrás: [link]

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