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  • Woodslave


    válasz freeknight #8243 üzenetére

    lehet válogatni

    The roamers eventually break down the walls killing many residents, including Bruce and Tobin. Rick and Morgan Jones try to get to safety, but Morgan is bitten on the arm; he tells Rick to leave him and get to safety. However, seconds later, Morgan changes his mind and says he wants to live. Michonne comes to his aid and slices his arm off with her katana. She and Rick rush him to the clinic, where he collapses.

    Rick rushes back to his house, where he is greeted by his son Carl, Jessie Anderson, and her son Ron. After she and Rick make out they devise a plan to escape. They cover themselves in roamer guts and make a run for it. However, Ron is grabbed by a roamer and is bitten. Jessie rushes to his aid, but also ends up being swarmed and is devoured along with Ron. She attempts to get Carl's help and grabs his hand. However, she won't let go and Rick is forced to cut her hand off.

    "akkor ne rezisztencia edzést csinálj hanem rendes odabaxósat :) "Bá

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