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  • grma

    csendes tag

    válasz negyedes #20411 üzenetére

    Na szóval! Jelen pillanatban ezt irja ki: Skype4com.dll is not registered.
    If jou have administrative rights, click the link below in order to register file.

    Admin jogom van, rákattintok.
    Kövi:Please restart the gadget
    Close the gadget
    -press the + sign on sidebar
    -load again the plugin

    Ujra előhivom, és kezdödik elöröl...
    Erre gondoltam.

    És itt a megoldás:
    5. Running on Vista x64

    Skype Gadget uses Skype4COM.dll in order to communicate with Skype. This component can only run on 32 bits so in order to use the gadget on a 64 bits OS you need to run the Sidebar as a 32 bits application.

    This can be done as following:

    1. Go to the sidebar properties and uncheck the “Start sidebar when windows starts” checkbox.
    2. Open the “Program Files (x86)Windows Sidebar” folder and launch the sidebar from there. Now you have the 32 bits version running.
    3. Go to this new sidebar’s properties and check “Start sidebar when windows starts”.
    4. Add th gadget on sidebar.

    Csak nem mükszik nálam!

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