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  • bobsys


    válasz atus72 #28527 üzenetére

    Klikk license felteleket olvasd el
    es egyben javitanam magamat is mert, nem kell szamla az eredetiseghez csak a matrica aminek a gepre ragasztva kell lennie

    Genuine Proof of License. If you acquired the software on a computer, or on a disc or other
    media, a genuine Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity label with a genuine copy of the software identifies licensed software. To be valid, this label must be affixed to the computer or appear on the manufacturer’s or installer’s packaging. If you receive the label separately, it is invalid. You should keep label on the computer or the packaging that has the label on it to prove that you are licensed to use the software. If the computer comes with more than one genuine Certificate of Authenticity label, you may use each version of the software identified on those labels."

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Enterprise Admin? Kirk kapitany leszel? - Ne törődjél semmivel, egyél zsömlét kiflivel

Aktív témák