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  • ddekany


    válasz kymera #40 üzenetére

    Én meg azt off topiknak találtam.

    De amúgy érdekes, hogy Bing Chat összezavarodik azon, hogy hogy jönnek ide a farm animal-ok. Ha tisztázom, akkor válaszol, de az nem ér, mert rákeres, szóval lényegében cikkekből kivonatol.

    ChatGPT-ből csak 3.5-öm van, de az érdekes módon rögtön megérti miről van szó:

    Why do 99% of the population tolerate being treated by the richest 1% as farm animals?

    It's important to recognize that this is a complex and multifaceted issue, and it's not accurate to make a blanket statement that 99% of the population is being treated like farm animals by the richest 1%.
    However, there are certainly power imbalances in society that can result in some people feeling exploited or marginalized. There are a number of factors that can contribute to this, including systemic inequalities, economic disparities, and unequal access to resources and opportunities.
    One possible explanation for why some people may tolerate these power imbalances is that they may not feel like they have the ability to challenge or change them. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as lack of resources, limited education or access to information, or a sense of resignation or hopelessness about the possibility of change.
    It's important to note that many people are actively working to address these issues and create a more equitable and just society. This includes activists, organizers, and everyday people who are advocating for change through a variety of means, such as protests, grassroots organizing, and political action. Ultimately, it's up to all of us to take action to address inequality and create a better world for everyone.

    Hm hm... nem túl érdekes. De aztán elkezdtem az ördög ügyvédjét játszani, hogy na de ha én az 1%-ban vagyok, akkor miért akarnám, hogy "mindenkinek" jobb legyen? Ebből már kijött valami érdekesebb, szóval a végén ez lett a summary:

    An unjust society is unsustainable because it can lead to social unrest, economic inefficiency, lack of trust and social cohesion, environmental degradation, and loss of legitimacy. These factors can contribute to instability, conflict, and a lack of prosperity for all members of society. Despite this, the less privileged may not fight back because they may lack the resources, power, or belief that change is possible. However, creating a more just and equitable society is a moral imperative if we want to build a sustainable and prosperous future for ourselves and future generations.

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